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Professional Scalp Micropigmentation in Pune

Welcome to Eyebrow’s, Lips & Scalp Clinic! We understand that hair loss can be a source of concern, affecting your self-esteem and confidence. Scalp Micropigmentation is the answer to your hair restoration needs, and we are here to guide you through this transformative journey.

Discover the significance of professional scalp micropigmentation services that redefine your look and boost your self-assurance.

Understanding Scalp Micropigmentation

Explanation of Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical and innovative technique that replicates the appearance of natural hair follicles on the scalp. This life-changing procedure offers a realistic and lasting solution for hair loss.

Key Benefits of the Procedure

  • Immediate results
  • A natural and youthful hairline
  • A boost in self-confidence
  • Low maintenance and long-lasting effect

Why Choose Professional Micropigmentation Services in Pune

At Eyebrow’s, Lip’s & Scalp Clinic, we recognize the importance of choosing a professional service.

Our qualified, certified , Professional PMU doctors In  Pune are well-trained and experienced, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care and the most natural-looking results.

Scalp Micropigmentation Cost

Detailed Breakdown of Cost Factors

We understand that cost is a crucial consideration. Our pricing is transparent and depends on factors like the extent of hair loss, the area to be treated, and the complexity of the procedure. During your consultation, we will provide a personalized quote. However, Scalp Micropigmentation cost roughly ranges between 15,000 to 45,000 depending upon the area to be treated.

Comparison of Costs with Competitor Analysis

We offer competitive pricing for scalp micropigmentation in Pune. Our goal is to provide exceptional value for the quality of service you receive.

Transparency About Pricing and Its Components

We believe in transparency, and our pricing includes the entire procedure, consultations, and aftercare support. There are no hidden fees.

Special Offers, Discounts, or Packages

Ask about our current special offers, discounts, or package deals when you schedule your consultation.

Our Scalp Micropigmentation Services in Pune

Detailed Description of Your Clinic’s Scalp Micropigmentation Services

Our clinic specializes in scalp micropigmentation, offering a range of solutions tailored to your unique needs.

We provide precise hairline design and meticulous pigment application for natural-looking results.

Why Choose Us for Scalp Micropigmentation in Pune

At Eyebrow’s, Lip’s & Scalp Clinic, our team of Certified Medical practitioners and technicians possesses the expertise and certifications necessary to provide the best scalp micropigmentation services in Pune.

Our practitioners and technicians are highly skilled and dedicated to delivering exceptional results. They bring an artistic touch to the procedure.

We prioritize your safety and adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and safety throughout your treatment.

Preparing for Scalp Micropigmentation

Prepare for your scalp micropigmentation by following our pre-procedure guidelines.

Pain Management, Recovery, and Aftercare

We offer comprehensive advice on managing any discomfort, the recovery process, and how to maintain your results.

Consultations for Personalized Advice

For personalized guidance, schedule a consultation with our experts who can address your unique needs.

Schedule a Consultation

Ready to take the first step toward your hair restoration journey?

Schedule a consultation with us today. Contact our team at Eyebrow’s, Lip’s & Scalp Clinic, or simply fill out our user-friendly contact form, and we’ll be in touch promptly.

Eyebrow’s, Lip’s & Scalp Clinic offers professional scalp micropigmentation services in Pune, delivering immediate and natural-looking results that boost your self-confidence.

Don’t let hair loss hold you back—take the first step toward a more confident you and schedule a consultation today.

Your transformation awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Scalp micropigmentation – or SMP as it is commonly known – treatments are usually split over three separate sessions, although the actual time can vary depending on the extent of your hair loss, the style you require, and other factors.
During your treatments with Skulltec, micro needles are used to layer pigment dots on your scalp in a process that resembles getting a tattoo. But SMP is a highly-technical, specialized process performed by our trained technicians. The tiny “dots” of pigment, placed in the dermal layer of skin, create the illusion of a full head of shaved hair, similar to multiple tiny tattoos.
Before your first SMP treatment, at a consultation, you will meet with one of our team who to discuss your requirements, including the shape of your hairline, its positioning, as well as the density and shade of your pigmentation. our Skulltec technicians have been through the process themselves and will be able to give you honest insight into the process and it’s benefits.
During the first session, a tiny wound is created in the skin when each dot is applied. A scab heals over the wound and eventually falls away, taking some of the implanted pigment with it. Furthermore, the immune system attacks the pigments, causing them to shrink. This gradual “fading” of the dots varies from person to person which means you would need multiple sessions to get the required pigment shade.
A patient’s treatment session with Skulltec includes the application of different shades of pigmentation. Different shades are needed to enable some pigment deposits to stand out from among the rest. Lighter pigments are usually applied during the first session, while the next few sessions introduce the applications of darker shades.

The amount of time needed for an SMP treatment varies but the typical first session lasts from three to five hours, while the further sessions usually take less time as the correct blend of density and darkness is achieved on the scalp.

There are lots of different uses for SMP; it’s not just for treating general balding and hairline recession. It’s also appropriate for burn or surgery-related hair loss, and to conceal hair transplant scars, blemishes, or marks caused by trauma to the skin. It can even used to blend birthmarks into the scalp.

There is no down time or recovery period following SMP treatment, although slight redness on the skin from each tattoo session may last between 24-48 hours. Many patients return to work the next day and the usual time-table between treatments is seven day.